16th WCO Regional Training Center (RTC) Heads Meeting

24-25 October 2018, Shanghai, China

The ROCB A/P convened 16th Meeting of the Heads of the WCO A/P Regional Training Center (RTC) at the Shanghai Customs College (SCC) on 24-25 October 2018 and 27 delegates from 7 RTCs as well as the WCO Secretariat and the ROCB A/P participated in it.  The Meeting was opened by the welcoming address of Dr. Cong Yuhao, President of the SCC, which was followed by the opening remarks of Mr. Shinji Oda, WCO Regional Development Manager for the A/P region, and Mr. Kazunari Igarashi, Head of the ROCB A/P.

Prior to commencing to the formal meeting agenda, the delegates were escorted to a campus tour and visited the SCC Library.  The delegates were impressed with the richness of the archives and excellent environment for academic research and studies.

The delegates elected Mr. Jizheng Zheng, Associate Professor of the SCC, as Chairperson of the Meeting by acclamation.  In the wake of a round of reports from the WCO Secretariat, the ROCB A/P and the RTCs respectively, the delegates discussed and exchanged their views on the way to optimize the effects of the WCO capacity building and technical assistance programs, including the development and the use of e-learning programs, application of the WCO Training Strategy, way forward to optimize the benefits of hosting the WCO workshops, and the enhancement of the RTCs’ functions, among others.  These discussion sessions provided the delegates, including the ROCB A/P colleagues, with abundant food-for-thought and good practices for improving effectiveness of the regional capacity building and technical assistance programs.  Delegates also heard a presentation on the facilities and concept of newly built Dutch Customs Training Center from Beijing-based Dutch Customs Attaché.   

On this opportunity, the SCC kindly arranged a field trip to the Shanghai Free Trade Zone, which showcased a series of reform measures taken to facilitate and promote trade for furthering economic growth. 

At the invitation of the RTC Korea, next RTC Heads Meeting will be held in 2019 in Korea. 

The ROCB and delegates appreciated the warmest hospitality and excellent arrangement made by the China Customs and the SCC for this Meeting. 

For more information, please write to us at rocb@rocbap.org.








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