Exploring International Customs Cooperation: Korea Customs Services Young Officials Visit ROCB A/P in Bangkok

4 December 2023, Bangkok, Thailand


In the initiative of the Korea Customs Services to foster the growth of the next generation in the area of international cooperation, the ROCB A/P proudly welcomed the study visit of five officials from the Global Future Talent Program to the ROCB A/P. The objective of this program is to provide young internal officials with valuable insights into international cooperation and customs administration.


Mr. Norikazu KURAMOTO, Head of the ROCB A/P, along with Program Managers, extended a warm welcome to the officials, accompanied by Ms. Won-young Sung, Program Coordinator of the Global Future Talent Program. Mr. Kuramoto conveyed his appreciation for the visit and emphasized the significance of Korea Customs Services' support in nurturing the next generation of professionals.


Throughout the meeting, Mr. Kuramoto introduced the colleagues of ROCB A/P, providing an overview of the WCO, and delineated the essential roles of member administrations. The lecture commenced with Mr. Jaemin Cho, Program Manager, delivering an insight on international affairs, with a focus on ROCB AP's main roles, duties, and outstanding performances.


The officials articulated their appreciation of acknowledging the visit as a valuable opportunity to gain a comprehensive understanding of WCO and acquire in-depth knowledge of ROCB A/P activities, a pivotal international organization in the area of international cooperation.


For more information, please contact at rocb@rocbap.org




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